March 2023
Written by: Theresa Rebeck
Directed by: Samantha Hudgins
Show Dates
March 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th
Mark Twain wrote: "There are five kinds of actresses: bad actresses, fair actresses, good actresses, great actresses – and then there is Sarah Bernhardt."
In 1899, legendary leading lady Sarah Bernhardt’s decision to assume the role of Shakespeare’s Hamlet left critics and patriarchs aghast and indignant. Laced with forbidden romance and backstage gossip, this behind-the-scenes look at Bernhardt’s most ambitious role rollicks with high comedy and human drama.
The cast: Nancy Winokoor, David Crossley, Christopher Clark, Becky Minard, Rob Roy, David Mann, Olivia Merritt, Rosa Nguyen, Mark Roberts, Mary Paolino, Richard Nardella

From the Production Committee
Written By: Kevin Thibault - Co-Chair
Ever wonder what goes into crafting a season? Well, the short answer is: “A lot!” and the long answer . . . well, it won’t fit here! So, here’s our best Goldilocks-length version that is hopefully “just right”!
The Production Committee takes several steps to curate each theatrical season for The Players. It’s a collaborative effort that embraces the club’s vision of “theater for the community by the community.” We start with an invitation to potential directors to pitch ideas for plays they would be excited to direct.
Once submissions are collected the committee begins sorting and reading each proposal. Various factors are taken into consideration as each play submission is discussed. We look at casting (size, age, diversity), set requirements, technical issues, the right blend of genres and themes, and so much more. There are a lot of moving pieces and it’s our job to put them all together in a thoughtful and meaningful way. Our intent is to create equity and balance for the upcoming season on and off the stage – to find a season everyone can enjoy.
We’re currently hard at work, trying to figure out the best possible season we can and we can’t wait to share what we’ve come up with. Stay tuned for the big announcement later this spring!
What Are Benefit Nights?
A review provided by Kay Bullard
The Players offers other organizations an opportunity to do a little fundraising for themselves by offering Benefit Nights - a little pun on our address. But seriously, the Thursdays before the main stage shows are offered at a great price to help some great non-profits or any group.
For upcoming Benefit Night reservations, we have the following:
Two half houses for the March 23 production of Bernhardt/Hamlet
Whole house on May 25
Potential half house on May 18 for Avenue Q.
March 16 Bernhardt/Hamlet is open for sure
Possible opening on May 18 for Avenue Q.
Thus far this season's benefits have proven significantly better attended than last season. It would seem folks are coming back to the theater. Also of note is that this season has seen two new benefit groups and one potential new group.
Know an organization that might…benefit? Email Kay Bullard at:
We also continue to seek new members for this committee.
If the Benefits Committee is of any interest, you still have time to accompany me at a benefit night before hosting one. I promise – it’s easy, you get to see the play on a Thursday night (better parking!), and it helps groups raise funds and friends. Send email if interested.
Spring is coming – everybody smile!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Becky Minnard, DEI Committee Chair
Spoken Word Night
Thursday, June 1, 2023
7:30 PM until 9:00 PM
Join us for a night of storytelling live on stage in the main theatre. Free admission! Follow this link for more information.
Construction activity to make the Barker Playhouse ADA-compliant was made possible in part by grants from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly and by the Champlin Foundations.
Matching funds were provided by the Barker Foundation, the Sarah Minchen Barker Endowment, and you – our members.
From the President
Bonnie Sullivan
I hope this newsletter finds everyone feeling the hope of spring in the air!
If you saw The Normal Heart, I have no doubt you are still glowing from the compelling work of the incredible cast and crew. Thanks to the Production Committee for bringing this powerful story to our audience.
We have a beautiful new website that I hope everyone is enjoying. So fresh and informative, drawing us together and welcoming others in. Membership and donation processing are now so easy, too. We are thrilled with the result, and happy to hear any feedback.
Looking ahead, please do be sure to see Bernhardt/Hamlet. What is better than a play about actors? Congratulations to Samantha Gaus Hudgins in her inaugural turn in the director's chair, along with her stellar cast and crew. Don't miss it!
It was with great sadness we learned of longtime member Sandy Gorodetsky’s passing. Jeff and I met Sandy in our first year with The Players, in the Pygmalion ensemble. He was always gracious, witty, wickedly funny, and a fierce supporter of our club. This poignant memory brings to mind what I love best about The Players. All one needs to do is raise a hand, join a show or party, and find friendships to last a lifetime.
Oh, if you still want to be on a committee, please click below.
There is plenty of fun to be had, and we look forward to seeing you at the Playhouse!
From the Vice President
Jeff Sullivan
Oh, what a party! The Players Mid-Winter Party was held on February 11. This year’s theme was a Disco Dance Party. Everyone was dressed in their best 1970s attire and danced the night away to tunes spun by DJ Jeff “Staying Alive” Sullivan. Even “Richard Milhouse Nixon” showed up for an encore performance.
Up next is the Studio Party in June, where we celebrate another successful season. More details coming soon.

The Players Cookbook!
Our long-awaited cookbook, featuring more than 90 treasured recipes from Players members, and friends, is now available. The cost is $35 each.
You can order your cookbook(s) by clicking here or emailing us. Cookbooks must be picked up at the theatre.
Remember: This is a fundraiser for the Raise the Roof project: $17 of the purchase price is tax deductible.
Two Fond Farewells
A Tribute Written by David Crossley
On Broadway, the passing of major theatrical figures is marked by a dimming of the lights. At The Players, the only dimming is in our hearts as we note the recent deaths of Jan Grant and Sanford “Sandy” Gorodetsky, two long-time members who each made significant and sustained contributions - both on and off the stage - to The Players.
Jan Grant
If someone was ever destined for the performing arts it was Jan. Janice MacBeth (not a typo!) first appeared here in our 1962 production of Separate Tables and a year later she was Assistant Director to Sarah Minchin Barker in Five Finger Exercise. From there, Jan Grant (having married husband, Richard, also a long-time member) appeared in leading roles in a total of 18 productions over 33 years, including 3 as Director. As leading lady in some of our most noteworthy musical productions, suffice it to say Jan could really belt out a tune. Jan was also committed to working behind the scenes. She served on numerous committees, was first elected to the Board of Managers in 1986, was Secretary for 4 years beginning in 1992 and became Vice-President in 1996.
Sandy Gorodetsky
Sandy’s time at The Players spanned 38 years and 23 productions. He first appeared in Oh Men! Oh Women! in 1957. He quickly established himself as a leading man when he portrayed Sky Masterson the next year in Guys and Dolls, the first musical ever performed at The Players! Whether in dramatic roles, Shakespearean plays, or musicals, Sandy’s talent and versatility as an actor were always on display. Twice, Sandy assumed the Director’s duties, including our 1986 production of Gigi, which featured Jan Grant! Like Jan, Sandy recognized the importance of helping to manage the running of The Players. He served on the Board of Managers on 3 different occasions: 1962-64; 1966-67; and 1988-89.
As you might suspect, the stars aligned on a number of occasions as Jan and Sandy shared the stage in several other productions, including Fiorello (1964), Oh Captain (1966) and Follies (1991). Ironically, their last pairing on stage was in our 1995 main stage offering of How Many Candles Can a Cake Take? This celebratory production was noteworthy in that its run included the 2,000th staged performance in the history of The Players! Though their list of credits goes far beyond the limitations of these few lines, we take a moment today to acknowledge the many contributions of these two remarkable individuals who were so much a part of our wonderful history for so many years.